Australia’s Ancient Animals

Duration: 1hr 27 min

Australia’s Ancient Animals is a documentary that focuses on the disappearance of Australia’s megafauna during the ice age. The cause of this mass instruction remains unknown and is a mystery to scientists. One example of these extinct animals includes the diprotodon, which is the largest known marsupial, as its closest living relatives include the koala and wombat. A complete skeleton has been found of this creature in a cave while also including hundreds of other fossils.

Many theories circulate around the disappearance of these massive animals, such as climate change, asteroids, or the appearance of early human civilizations. Today scientists attempt to recreate these extinct creatures through the use of animation and computers. Fossils continue to be uncovered, as researchers continue to learn more about these amazing creatures that inhabited the earth thousands of years ago. These mass extinctions of these huge creatures continue to fascinate scientists, as it remains a fascinating mystery.


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